Configuring Caddy with Wildcard SubdomainsA Quick Guide on Setting Up Caddy for Wildcard SubdomainsJun 13, 2023Jun 13, 2023
QR Code Scanning in React-Native 0.71If you’re here you’ve probably tried all the old methods of scanning QR codes in react-native that no longer work. Now here’s one that doesJun 10, 20232Jun 10, 20232
Taming SVGs in the Wild Wild West of React NativeA quick and fun guide on getting SVG’s working in React NativeMay 24, 2023May 24, 2023
Setting up an NGINX instance with Certbot and configuring it for Wildcard Subdomains on UbuntuDidn’t find any full guides, so here’s one :)May 22, 20232May 22, 20232
Install Elm 0.18.0 in 2021Quick and Short Guide on Installing Old Elm Binaries to get older applications functional again. I Hope it helps someone out there!Jul 19, 2021Jul 19, 2021
My Investment ProcrastinationWhat stopped me from building investments and what I use as motivation not to delay actionFeb 5, 2021Feb 5, 2021
SendGrid Subscription Form 2021SendGrid doesn’t support double opt-in natively, so we have to use a quick and easy work around in order to get it working, this is going…Jan 26, 2021Jan 26, 2021
Web Developer Do’s and Don’tsSo I’ve been a developer for a few years now and I done and seen some pretty bad practices and habits over the years. This is what not to…Jan 15, 2021Jan 15, 2021
The One Simple Lesson I’m Applying From 2020 to 2021.We all hear lots of talk about “The Compound Effect" and “Try to get a little better everyday".Jan 2, 2021Jan 2, 2021
Yet Another Instagram BotHere’s a quick, easy, portable and maintained Instagram Bot to fetch content for marketing. The best content is content you’ve already got!Dec 21, 2020Dec 21, 2020