A Place To Share and Learn Maybe?
So this is my first post on Medium, I thought I’d use it to introduce myself and let everyone know why I’m here.
I’m a software developer looking to grow — meaning I want to do more than just software development and also grow as an individual, many of the articles i’ve read while searching for solutions have come from Medium, it seems like a great place to share idea’s and to be a part of.
While I’m here reading, I’ll also be posting a few series and blogs about my projects, non NDA of course.
I work at a Digital Marketing Company developing ways to increase business for clients and giving them insight into their performance, but I’m also starting a business, this business does Web Development, focusing on Progressive Web Applications, WebSites and Standard Web Applications — in that order.
My main programming language is Elixir and I’m definitely going to be posting on one particular project, as i’d love to share it and see it gain popularity as well as get other people on board.
It’s called FleekSite, a Web Hosting Platform, and I’ll get into why i say it’s a web hosting platform instead of a website hosting platform in the first article i write about it — spoiler though, it does a lot more than just hosts websites, though it’s the main purpose.
There are also a few other projects I’m working on for clients and in my spare time that I think are pretty interesting and i’d like to share.
By joining the Medium community I want to achieve a few things:
Increased Discipline and Consistency — posting a blog at least once per week, not just any blog will do, it has be a very detailed/impactful blog.
Personal Growth — the wealth of great articles on Medium are really something else and I intend to use them well.
Community and Awareness — I want to build a community for my projects to help not just me, but anyone who uses the tools I build and have them grow into bigger things.
Growth as an Entrepreneur and a Content Producer — It’s of great importance to me that I continue to grow as a producer of content as it’s what is driving the world right now, and it helps to more effectively communicate and connect with others which is also what I think goes a long way in being a great Entrepreneur.